Clements Family

Jason, Natalie, Nicole, Caleb, McKay, & Brooke

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Holding Hands

Right after their baths they get rubbed down and tummy time and kicking on their backs. They lay there and Caleb pulls on McKay's ears and they all ended up holding hands on their own. And yes, they're all wearing different diapers. I never had problems with Huggies or Pampers with Nicole, but McKay leaks through everything. Huggies are not an option. We thought we loved Pampers Swaddlers but not even those on McKay. We bought some of the new Fisher Price overnight diapers and he didn't leak so far. It's been such a pain. The last two weeks I can change his diaper every two hours and he is still wet on his onsie and clothes around his legs-as if I don't have enough laundry to do. The diapers are plenty big-we went up to the next size and still no luck. Any suggestions with boys? He's in the middle and as you can see looks much bigger than Caleb, but so far their weights are very close. They get weighed again next week. Caleb looks so skinny. McKay is great at rolling from his tummy to his back. Caleb started rice cereal this week. He's been the most interested in food so we're starting one at a time. He's doing really well and opens his mouth for the spoon. I give it to him once a day in the evening hoping he'll start sleeping longer at night.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Jason had to work in the morning on Thanksgiving. He was sure he wouldn't make it to work at 6 am if he helped at all with the babies during the night so I was on my own. I was getting in bed at 5:15 am as he was on his way out. I might have gotten an hour before that. I then had to get everyone ready and fed and packed in the car with our diaper bags and gear including a pack n play and jumper for naps and entertainment and meet Jason at his work at 2 pm. This is why I never leave the house alone. I'm pretty sure it took longer to get ready then we were actually gone. They babies were exhausted too because the boys wouldn't take naps so we've had a horrible last two nights. Maybe next year will be better.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Little Friends

The latest of Brooke. I need to charge my camera so I can take some more pictures, it's been over a week. They've slowed down on their growth though. They only gained one pound last month. Their 4 month stats: Caleb 13 lbs 13 oz, McKay 13 lbs 14 oz, Brooke 13 lbs 10 oz.
We did get a new family picture a couple weeks ago and everyone is actually looking, babies aren't smiling but they're looking straight ahead so that's a start. I'll post it as soon as I get our scanner reinstalled. Grrr-Jason installed Windows 7 so we have to reinstall everything. Next time we'll have to hire Carly to Photoshop huge smiles on everyone! I'm sure that's the only way it will happen. We did individuals last week and they all did awesome. I had several pictures of each of them that I couldn't resist.

Brothers-They're starting to interact with each other now. They look at each other and smile and giggle. We prop them up in the corners of the playpen and they all sit and talk to each other. They're so sweet!

A Good Sport

Thanks McKay for letting me have fun with you. Brooke would not have it, but McKay just sat there and looked around.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We had a great Halloween weekend. We started out Friday night at the trunk or treat. We took all the babies and Nicole and I went around while Jason gave out the candy with the babies in the car. She got a whole bag of candy in less than an hour. We carved pumpkins on Saturday. Nicole did a cat. More pictures of pumpkins to come. The babies were not cooperating for their pictures. Then Nicole went around to a few houses on Saturday night. Nicole was Cinderella, Caleb was Winnie the Pooh, McKay was Tigger, and Brooke was Piglet. Holidays are so much more fun with kids! I love dressing them up for pictures, but they don't seem to like it quite as much. I never get them all happy in the same picture. I really need to start using photoshop. There's a lot of pictures-but hey, we have a lot of kids.

Caleb has super strong legs.


Look who's starting to get some hair on top. No rush-then I don't have to wash the spit up and food out of your hair.

Aren't I something?

Trick or Treating with Nicole-for about 5 minutes and then I took them home.