Clements Family

Jason, Natalie, Nicole, Caleb, McKay, & Brooke

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

26 Weeks

Nicole got to go stay with the Stallings for the last couple of days and was very sad to have to come home. She had so much fun. She's very social so I'm sure she'll love having these new siblings to play with. She came home today and entertained me with some games of Go Fish this afternoon.
I had the Dr. on Monday and I'm 35 cm, measuring full term. He said it's time to start pretty strict bed rest. I can only leave to go to Dr. appointments and other than that I have to be down all the time. I was hoping to make it a couple more weeks, but he said it will be a disaster if we have them in the next four weeks so I guess it's easier than the alternative. He'll be happy if we make it to 32 but still wants 34 or more. So I have the next 8 weeks to lounge around and do things I've never had time for. I do take a nap everyday since I don't sleep well at night, so that helps the days go by quicker, but even with my projects it gets boring laying around all day. I guess it's not too long until I'll be anything but bored.

So after laying around for 2 days, today was exciting to get out of the house and go to the perinatologist, except that I get really sick and light-headed during the ultrasounds from having to lay flat on my back. He also said I need to be a blob until the end. It's always a relief to see how they're doing and that they're all still growing. Today's results at 26 weeks:

Caleb (A): 2 lbs 0 oz., 25 weeks 6 days, head down
McKay (B): 2 lbs 1 oz., 25 weeks 6 days, breech
Brooke (C): 1 lb 15 oz., 25 weeks 5 days, breech

They're all about the same size and very active. If you wait a few minutes you can usually see at least one of them moving.

The Park and Flying Kites

And success. They got both kites up and they stayed up until we reeled them in.
The SF Park had way too many trees so we went back to the park in our neighborhood with tons of open space, but not the greatest playground.
Nicole got a kite for Easter and has been dying to go fly it so it the Saturday after Easter was a pretty nice day with plenty of wind. We grabbed some KFC and had a picnic at the park and Nicole got to play.

April Snow

Monday, April 13, 2009


Looking lovely dyeing Easter Eggs. Nicole absolutely loved this. We figured we'd get all cleaned up for the day after the mess.

Nicole was super fast at getting all the eggs off the grass. She loved it.I was the pointer for the trickier eggs and Nicole picked them up.

Nicole counting her loot. All the eggs have one quarter and she came away with $37.25. Way to go Nicole!

23 Week Ultrasound

The babies are growing gaining around 9-10 ounces since 20 weeks. That's almost 2 pounds of baby in 3 weeks. And they accelerate from here. They should be 2 pounds each at the next ultrasound at 26 weeks.

Baby A-Caleb (boy) 1 lb 4 oz., Head down
Baby B-McKay (boy) 1 lb 6 oz., Breech
Baby C-Brooke (girl) 1 lb 5 oz., Head down

They are moving around like crazy and you can see their kicks and punches from the outside. The girl was moving a lot during the ultrasound that I could feel and they said baby A is laying right on top of her. Move over boys-Poor thing is just fighting for some space.

There's a Bird in the House!!!

It was a rainy day and Jason and I were in the extra bedroom cleaning out the closet and trying to "organize" the baby stuff in the order we thought we needed it. Luckily we have big walk in closets to stash our diapers, car seats, high chairs, and boxes of clothes. The window overlooks the driveway and Jason told Nicole to go get the newspaper and he would watch her from the window. So out she goes and we hear her come in a few minutes later.She came upstairs a few minutes later out of breath reporting "There's a bird in the house! There's a bird in the house!" We looked at each other and figured she was probably serious so went to check it out. By the time we got downstairs it was stuck between the window and the blinds. Jason flipped the blinds so the bird couldn't fly out, opened the window, and took out the screen. It had access to the outside world, but wasn't smart enough to figure it out.
With a little help, it flew outside. By the bird feathers on the sliding glass door, we figure it flew around trying to find a way out and ran into the glass a few times.

We reminded Nicole to close the door after herself when she goes outside, but I don't think she could do it again if she tried. She said it was on the porch and flew in when she opened the door. Glad I wasn't home alone. I would have freaked out and not had a clue how to get rid of it. I was scared to go downstairs for fear it would fly into my head or something. We lucked out this time. It did poop in the window, but luckily it was contained.

22 Weeks

22 weeks, measuring 32 and gaining 4 pounds in the last 2 weeks for a total of around 16. Nowhere near 50-is it possible to gain 34 pounds in 12 weeks? I hope not.
And Nicole posing for her latest picture.