They're all sitting up great, with less toppling over. But occasionally, there is some tackling. Usually Brooke is the victim, because she never moves. The boys can't resist her beautiful bows. She still has only rolled over a few times. McKay loves to suck on his own feet and also loves Brooke's. Caleb on the other hand is all over the place. He's not quite crawling, but he's gotscooting mastered. He can get to whatever he wants. So the first gate is up at the top of the stairs and I have to vacuum everyday. He's already finding pieces of baskets and whatever else is lying around. Plus the kitchen looks like we spilled a box of cheerios after every meal. I'm hoping they kind of stagger with all of the stages to come so we can do one at a time. Baby-proofing is soon to come.

This is what Nicole calls "quiet time." She's supposed to do books and quiet toys on her bed, but the rules have been getting a little more lenient to do coloring and art as long as she's out of my hair. Today she took a little more liberty. Brooke was asleep in their room and I need a 45 minute break from her as much or more than the babies naps. I'm starting to fear its going to be more than a rough three years. She's 5 and she's still a handful. She recently cut her hair...again. She wants it short and I had already cut it once when she requested shorter hair, but she wanted it even shorter. Now she got into my makeup. I was pretty impressed with the mascara. She had it on her eyelashes and only a little spot on her nose. I have to use a q-tip everytime to clean myself up. I saw her and just laughted and took a picture.

Brooke always has her tongue sticking out of her mouth. She's always moving, but she doesn't go anywhere. She'll just sit there and flap her arms and legs with her tongue hanging out, but hasn't discovered she can get anywhere. She's very difficult to feed as she's a moving target. She never stops kicking her legs and her tongue pushes the food out as fast as it goes in. And of course Grandma Smith taught her to blow bubbles, which she loves to do with beans!

These babies love their toys. Especially getting them out of the basket and taking it from each other. They see how much fun it is so they take it, and the other one doesn't care, they just grab something else.

Too bad we didn't have a background. We can never get them to all smile and look at the same time. I've gotten rid of most of the swings and bouncers, but it still looks like a day care in here. We just rotate from different toy stations to keep them entertained.
So at 8 months McKay has taken a major lead.
Caleb: 17 lbs 3 oz
McKay 18 lbs 15 oz
Brooke 17 lbs 8 oz
I guess the countdown for me is how many weeks of pumping. I'm getting so tired of it every morning and night and sometimes in the afternoon. I don't know if I'll make it to the full year, but we're getting closer. None of them take binkies so I'm feeling okay about not taking away bottles anytime soon. Brooke is barely learning to hold her own.
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