Jason had to work in the morning on Thanksgiving. He was sure he wouldn't make it to work at 6 am if he helped at all with the babies during the night so I was on my own. I was getting in bed at 5:15 am as he was on his way out. I might have gotten an hour before that. I then had to get everyone ready and fed and packed in the car with our diaper bag
s and gear including a pack n play and jumper for naps and entertainment and meet Jason at his work at 2 pm. This is why I never leave the house alone. I'm pretty sure it took longer to get ready then we were actually gone. They babies were exhausted too because the boys wouldn't take naps so we've had a horrible last two nights. Maybe next year will be better.
At least you have a cute picture to show for it right? Hopefully you got some sleep with Mom and Dad there this weekend! MUCH NEEDED!