These babies have us running. 

Apparently Brooke was very pleased with her soap!
I took Nicole (and Caleb because he was awake) to an early morning (8:00) Easter egg hunt at the grocery store. Either people didn't know about it or it was too early, because there was a ton of candy and only a few kids. Nicole and Caleb each got a HUGE stash.
She even got 2 coupons for a free box of popcicles.

McKay is crawling really well now, but when he first started he went backwards.
Caleb sneaking some extra food from McKay. He's the best crawler and rather than go around them while they're playing, he prefers to just go over the top of them, which they both hate. They lay there and scream while Caleb knocks them down, steals their bottle, and uses them as support to stand up. They're starting to fight back for their bottles and toys.
I thought life was going to get easier when they started crawling and it did at first. They were much happier and would entertain themselves for awhile. The downside-my house is a disaster. They're into everything and between that and self feeding, I have hours of housework every night after they're in bed. Their highchairs and the floor need a deep clean every day. I can't stand the mess, but it's just going to be that way for awhile. We made this little play room to try and contain them, but somebody ends of hurt and crying in a matter of minutes.
I still can't believe how well Brooke is crawling considering she just started rolling over at 8 months and was crawling a few weeks later. She rocks back and forth to build up some speed and then takes off as fast as she can until she stops to rest. She's very funny to watch.
Nicole at the Clements' Easter egg hunt. Poor thing was on her own while everyone else had an adult helper so we split her in with the babies to make everyone happy!

Nicole absolutely loves her brothers and even though she initally wanted all girls, she says she would have wanted boys, but she just didn't know they'd be so cute!

This has been the best toy for cruising. They all love it.
Caleb makes it up the first couple of stairs. No longer safe to stack my laundry and everything else I leave to take up when I'm going. It all comes flying down.
We enjoyed the few days of wonderful weather. We went on walks at least 3 times a day and even packed a picnic lunch to the park. Well, I fed the babies at home and packed a sandwhich for me and Nicole.
Nicole cracks me up. It was raining and she always goes and gets the mail on her bike, but this time she rode her car, which she's pretty big for. She always parks it and fills it up with gas. She has such the imagination. She was old enough to ask all the fun questions when I was pregnant with the triplets and has ever since been very upset about having your tummy cut open to get a baby out. When I picked her up from preschool her teacher told me she had her rolling today. They were all talking about what they wanted to be when they grew up and all the girls wanted to be moms. Not Nicole. She told them she never wanted to be a mom. She wants to be a paleontologist and dig around for dinosaur bones. She then proceeded to tell them there's two ways to have a baby and if you just have one you can just push it out. I think they got more than they bargained for in preschool that day. Nicole has seen a few too many sacrifices of motherhood this past year. I'm sure she'll change her mind before it's her turn.