Things have definately improved the last 3 days. We're still pretty much on the three hour schedule even through the night, but they've taken afternoon naps at the same time. You use to be lucky to get 20 minutes and you were up and down with someone all day and night. Now we get sleep in two hour increments and we're hoping it will keep getting better. These last 2 1/2 months have been a real challenge so I love loading their pictures on the computer and reminding myself how cute they are. McKay's already crying so I'll just post a few pictures from the last month. Okay, so this post actually took 2 hours and I had to feed McKay and Brooke in between. Now we're off for our first nap. You'd think you'd feel rested when you woke up at 7:30 when you go to bed at 10:30. Someday.
Dad getting everyone to sleep while I clean up the kitchen.
Caleb, McKay, Brooke
McKay, Caleb, Brooke
I love when they find each other's cheeks and suck on them. Kissing each other already!
Oh yea, McKay and Brooke are off oxygen and monitors. It's fabulous!
One more thing. We were on time with all three babies to our 9:00 AM appointment. The Dr. was very impressed and says we're better than people with one baby. I don't know if we'll be able to repeat it, but we'll try.
Thanks for all the help. We couldn't do it without you!