Clements Family
Jason, Natalie, Nicole, Caleb, McKay, & Brooke
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Nicole's Summer Vacation
Nicole got to go with Grandma and Grandpa Hurst on vacation to the Grand Canyon. She had tons of fun. Here's some pictures they sent.

Friday, May 29, 2009
Surviving in the Hospital
We went for an ultrasound and to see the specialist on Wednesday, the 13th. The babies were growing well, but through an internal ultrasound could see that the contractions were progressing labor. Baby A had already dropped and my cervix had shortened. So he did another Fetal Fibronectin test and sent us straight to Labor & Delivery where I've been ever since. The test was negative, but he said I was still at risk for delivering before the typical 32 weeks for triplets. So I've been here for 2 1/2 weeks and have 3 1/2 weeks left until the Dr. wants to deliver, unless problems arise with me or the babies before then.
28 Week Ultrasound
People say they can't tell how big I am when laying in bed so Jason took a picture on my way back from the bathroom. Here's 30 weeks with 10 lbs of baby and 12 lbs of amniotic fluid and placentas. It feels like I'm going to pop, but keep getting bigger. Ouch. Now we're counting down to June 22nd, 34 weeks.
I'm on Nifedipine for contractions every 4 hours even at night and still have several contractions every hour. The other night I was having contractions every 4 minutes right after they gave me Nifedipine that continued for two hours so they gave me an injection of Turbutaline. It eventually slowed the contractions, but made me really shaky and raised my heart rate over 120 bpm. It feels weird to be laying in bed and have your heart beat so fast.
28 Week Ultrasound
Baby A: 2 lbs, 12 oz
Baby B: 2 lbs, 14 oz
Baby C: 2 lbs, 10 oz
30 Week Ultrasound
Baby A: 3 lbs, 4 oz
Baby A: 3 lbs, 4 oz
Baby B: 3 lbs, 10 oz
Baby C: 3 lbs, 1 oz
Baby C: 3 lbs, 1 oz
Nicole likes coming to the hospital and playing in the wheelchair, getting a can of pop, and eating my dessert! She got to have a sleepover at the hospital on Sunday night. Jason had to stay with her and I think she enjoyed it more than he did on the rollaway bed. She had fun watching a movie and eating breakfast with me.
I don't leave my room except to get weighed every Saturday morning and for ultrasound/perinatologist appointments and they won't even let me walk down the hall to get there; I have to ride in the wheelchair.

Thursday, May 7, 2009
Our First Scare
Tuesday night and Wednesday morning I was having a lot of contractions even on the Nifedipine. I would take it and within an hour I was already having contractions. By Wednesday morning I was having them every three to five minutes and I did everything they told me to do-lay on my left side for an hour and drink lots of water, but they kept coming regularly. I called Labor & Delivery and they said even if I was having 3 or more an hour on the medication I definately needed to come in. I got hooked up to the contraction monitor and was having constant contractions. They did some tests and found that I had an infection that could be causing the contractions so gave me an antibiotic for that. They also did a Fetal Fibronectin that came back negative which predicts pretty accurately that I won't go into labor in the next two weeks. They increased my Nifedipine to every 4 hours, the most you can take, so hopefully we'll have an uneventful next few weeks. Because the fetal fibronectin came back negative, they sent me home. I realized how much better it is to be home than in the hospital. It's no easy task trying to hold completely still for hours with three heart beat monitors and a contraction monitor. If I moved at all we'd lose at least one baby's heart beat. So I'm now resting "comfortably" at home.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
No new pictures or much exciting going on. Nicole's vacationing at Grandma Hurst's and says she's staying forever. We miss her, but are glad she's still enjoying where she's at while I can't take care of her. And I continue to lay around helpless everyday with people bringing my meals to me on the couch and everything else. The medication is helping a lot to ease the contractions as long as I take it every 4-6 hours. That's a relief. I was having 6 or more per hour and today I only had 5 all day. Now I just need to hold onto these babies for at least another 5-7 weeks. Thanks for all the help with people coming over to feed me and get me settled for the night. It's still hard to believe, but I definately feel like I have three babies in here.
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